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  4. Outsiders - 5 slices of soap with a sisal soap saver bag.

Outsiders - 5 slices of soap with a sisal soap saver bag.


'Outsiders' are what my Scottish husband calls the crusts from the loaf of bread! These bundles contain 5 outside edges from the various loaves of soap that have been recently made. Although they are various shapes and sizes and a little uglier than the more beautiful full size bars, they are perfect in every other way. They make lovely little token gifts/hostess prezzies etc and provide a great way to try out a few different flavours. Small they may be but they last well (if you keep them dry between use) so they also make good travel soaps. Each parcel comes complete with a sisal soap saver bag to ensure that ever sliver of lovely soap gets used and they're simply wrapped in greaseproof paper and string. Outsiders are only bundled together a few times each year and usually sell quite quickly. Each pack will be a random selection depending on what's been recently made.

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